My beloved grand aunt, she took care of me ever since i was 1month.. so dat's y i love her the most!!
My lil' gang.. beside me is my sis..

THis is just the outside of him dat i want, inside is the one dat totally counts. As long as he's not unfaithful and he must be responsible and really rich!! ..erm.. is this some sort of lyk expectations of my future to be husband?? hehes. yah. i think so. i believe that a man should possess this kind of inner beauty inside him, so looks don't really needa count. Talking about it, sometimes i really wish for a hand to be twice my hand with long and slender fingrs to hold on to my hand.. BTW.. my birthday's coming.. my birthday wish?? can i have a guy with all that i listed above?? hehes. if santa claus read my blog den maybe my wish will come true!
finally.. its me!!
its how u live ur life today den it will lead u to the unknown tomorrow..
phew!! just came back from vivocity. its freaking big!! i rch thr ard 11plus n walk till lyk 4plus.. guess wat?? i have only completed fully walking 1 and half level.. and i'll be going back tmr to continue the rest.. total 3 levels. woah! its really big sia. u can even get lost while finding the toilet.. u'll walk one big round while actually e toilet is just behind you.. SEE!! its dat big. haa! but the floorings nice.. shines and sparkles** hehes. if u have e time.. don mind going thr to shop. its great.
There are 3 grt things in a world:
Its hard to pretend u love someone if u don't, but its harder to pretend u don't love someone if u do..
When u love someone, and u love them with ur whole heart, it never dissapears when ur apart. And when u love someone and u've done all dat u could, u set them free, and if dat love was true... when u love someone, it will all comeback to you.
Forget the times u walked by, forget the times u've made me cry. Forget the time u held my hand, forget the sweet things if i can. i can no longer pretend, i have to remember that now.. u'r just a friend.
Never say goodbye when u still wanna try; never give up when u feel u can take it;never say u no longer love the person when u cant let go..
well.. wat got me to write these stuffs?? hee. i was just listening to some songs and some things came flashing through my mind.. so it got me to type out all these.. so ppl.. aFTer reading all these thing, think about ur feelings rite now. do u really love dat person??? if u do.. treasure them.. don let go. cos wats in ur hands is happiness.. if u let it go.. u may never get it back again.
haa!=) should watch it. strongly encouraged. part 2 is coming up, but main characters all, maybe the first series is better.hehes.. just love it!!