Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006

- new slippers!! bought dis pair with jason. hehes. my feet were actually swollen from wearing my sis shoes.. so its bought. at my grandma's place..
- this is my new ezlink!! heh. previous one was spoilt.. so got it changed. its good anyway.. somethings must change. u will get something else better..
- taken by jason. At vivocity's long john.. saw dat plate of fries thr??? its mine.. he thinks dis pic shld be up.. so.. now its up!!
finally.. its me!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
fullest today!!
- someone whom u love and trust the most, may be the one who in the end hurts and make you cry the most.. living in a world without love makes u lovely but living in a world of being stab by someone u love, is unbearable loneliness..
- trust someone with a heeart of gold not a heart without soul. love like u've never love before, not love only if u want to. Remember all dat u've done today, for it becomes ur history tmr..
its how u live ur life today den it will lead u to the unknown tomorrow..
phew!! just came back from vivocity. its freaking big!! i rch thr ard 11plus n walk till lyk 4plus.. guess wat?? i have only completed fully walking 1 and half level.. and i'll be going back tmr to continue the rest.. total 3 levels. woah! its really big sia. u can even get lost while finding the toilet.. u'll walk one big round while actually e toilet is just behind you.. SEE!! its dat big. haa! but the floorings nice.. shines and sparkles** hehes. if u have e time.. don mind going thr to shop. its great.
Friday, October 20, 2006
just noting down some feelings..
- If u love someone, put their name in a circle not a heart. A heart brks but a circle goes on forever.
There are 3 grt things in a world:
- the first thing is for u to love someone
- the second thing is for someone to love u back
- the third greatest thing is for the first and second thing to happen at e same time...
Its hard to pretend u love someone if u don't, but its harder to pretend u don't love someone if u do..
- If u really love something, set it free. If it comes back its urs, if it doesn't, it wasnt meant to be..
When u love someone, and u love them with ur whole heart, it never dissapears when ur apart. And when u love someone and u've done all dat u could, u set them free, and if dat love was true... when u love someone, it will all comeback to you.
- i cried today not because i missed u or even wanted u back but bcos i finally realise dat im gonna be alright without you!!
Forget the times u walked by, forget the times u've made me cry. Forget the time u held my hand, forget the sweet things if i can. i can no longer pretend, i have to remember that now.. u'r just a friend.
- Real tears are not those dat fall from e eye and cover the face, but those dat fall from e heart and covers e soul.
Never say goodbye when u still wanna try; never give up when u feel u can take it;never say u no longer love the person when u cant let go..
well.. wat got me to write these stuffs?? hee. i was just listening to some songs and some things came flashing through my mind.. so it got me to type out all these.. so ppl.. aFTer reading all these thing, think about ur feelings rite now. do u really love dat person??? if u do.. treasure them.. don let go. cos wats in ur hands is happiness.. if u let it go.. u may never get it back again.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
how i wish it haven ended so fast..

Monday, October 16, 2006
Korea wave!!
hahas.. im definitely some1 who will go crazy over some shows..
hehes. Some shows are really nice.. now PRINCESS HOURS's showing..
just finish e whole series yesterday.. its super sweeeeeeeet!! just loveit.. right now, princess hours is e best korean series..
some of my favourite scences..

haa!=) should watch it. strongly encouraged. part 2 is coming up, but main characters all, maybe the first series is better.hehes.. just love it!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Its the new me now..

the starting of my blog. the new me starts today.. a stronger, better or maybe... a girl ready to believe in love once again.=) is just a one way ticket.. no ticket back. so, why not do just wat u wanna do.. and say wat u always wanted to.. cos so often we regret for things we haven't done and have not said.. So.. DO it now! SAY it now! =) always believe in wat u do..believe in yourself..