Today's the last day of my work. phew! can get some rest and im on the way to finding jobs again.. practically, i wanna do lotsa jobs to earn lots of money.. to prove to mum dat only by working den u'll get money, oso, i wanna tell her dat i have the ability to earn a living by my ownself NOW. bUT, the money dat i earn.. 3/4 of it will be put in my bank. to thicken up the volume of the $$ that previously my mum have been using.. see guys?? the money dat my mum is using is from my bank account! U noe why now i just hate her and everyhthing that she do. Well, this blog has all along been my online diary.. so.. its all my true feelings dat i've typed out. so what if i hate to the core. She's still my mum. i've come to learn dat hatered will only bring more hatered.. i'd rather get used to it den to be bothered by it.
okay.. dats e big chunk of my totally 'u don wanna have family life'.. hahas! the happy thing is i got a new phone today.. second hand to be exact.. it is still relatively new, in good condition.. passed down by my niece! =) ok.. get back later!!