Happy Birthday !
Selina 任家萱!
31st October..
one of my favourite. but havent wear it to school yet.
skirt #3
Definitely my favourite. Based on the length and colour this definitely suit me. haha. and i thought of another way to wear it. the only favourite thing i got from japan.
Skirt #5
3/4 lenght. i may wear it to the beach someday.
I love the hoodie and the skirt!
oh ya, this 2 shorts are the same length.. but the size.. i don noe how i could fit in either of them..
and finally.. after about 2 hours..
Its the tidiest i can pack!
Favourite sleeping dress. haha. the colour rocks too!
Bear my puffy eyes here. Its a random pic. ♥
伤心总是难免的, 又何苦一往情深..
I need shopping badly. But damn! no working means no money. I hate to ask money from mum. School's starting anyway, time to save up. Random: i need a tan badly!