Insights: im a good girl.
Im starting on fyp.
Thats a good thing.. Im prepared for the boring journey till completing my fyp..
So, yesterday was pretty much a wordy day. Went to school for 2 hours, went back home for another 2 hours, went to meet jason for fyp then met Benn for dinner.. oh, thanks Benn for dinner. ;) Im deprived of sleep! seriously, i hit the sheets for a solid 11 hours yesterday.
Then today, which is a saturday, which is suppose to fun and exciting.. and i came home straight after watching movie. IM A GOOD GIRL YA! anyway, mum bought dinner back so ya.. Im ready for rotting on a saturday evening. =) ( my mum is watching mama mia the movie at this moment..)

Sorry for the pimple. :(
The ice cream rocks!

Jason and i did a little talking today.. well, how do you know if someone loves you? how do you know if you love some one? how do you know if someone really cared about you.. bother to know every single thing of yours, your favourites, your hates, your everything? how do you know if you really trust someone?
i dont know. Maybe thats why god want us to meet different people and learn from them..
learn how to trust, learn how to love. ♥
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