Insights: Sipping on my cold and chocolaty fresh milk in the early morning with this emo 'ready when you are' song playing on my itunes.. ( shuffle mode)
then, i decided to blog on. I miss my friends all of a sudden.. EW, MUSHY? but yeah, kind of miss them sometimes. considering the fact now that they are jumbled up in school stuffs now, less time for leisure.. this is the kinda commitments im talking about.
Like, you're commited to sooo many things at one time and you have to forsake another for the time being.. i know. i've done that before. tsk tsk.
thinking back, i really miss my secondary school days.. where dance, boyfriends and bestfriends made up my world. ;) yeah, i was naive then.. thinking that best friends would always be bestfriends, boyfriends were never that bad.. trusting somebody too easily will just make a big fuck in your life. okay, i was stupid enough. getting hurt isn't nice, it takes a long time to heal.
nevertheless, life now isnt that bad. i love it. although sometimes arguments and complains just have to happen.. and the biggest part was to patch up a friendship i lost a couple of years ago.. and this brings me to another point where fate really does exist. :) you'll never know what will happen.
life's like this, it takes something away from you but it gives you back something better and greater. Because it wants you to know how to appreciate what was given to you. I appreciate everything, everbody.. its just that my way of expressing it suck sometimes.. but yeah, i DO appreciate.
life is taking chances and free fall, im learning to take the chance and free fall.
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